
Breastfeeding and Chiropractic: An Essential Relationship for Baby Health

Breastfeeding is a natural and vital process that provides babies with the nutrients needed for growth and development.

However, sometimes mothers and babies face difficulties that can interfere with this process. This is where chiropractic can play a crucial role.

Through specific adjustments, chiropractors can address issues such as the wrong position of the tongue, birth trauma, and cervical and cranial disorders affecting breastfeeding.

Anatomy of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding involves precise coordination of several anatomical structures of the baby and the mother. In the baby, the main components include:

  • Mouth and tongue: The baby's tongue should be in a suitable position to create an airtight seal around the nipple and make rhythmic movements to express milk.
  • Facial and mandibular muscles: These muscles must work in a coordinated manner to maintain an effective grip and to suck properly.
  • Skull and cervical spine: The position of the baby's head and neck is crucial for effective grip and suction.

In the mother, key components include:

  • Nipples and areoles: The shape and size can influence the baby's grip.
  • Mammary glands: They are responsible for the production and release of milk.

The position of the tongue and its importance

An incorrect position of the tongue can be one of the main causes of breastfeeding problems.

When a baby's tongue isn't positioned properly, it can make it difficult to create a proper seal around the nipple. This can not only cause pain in the mother's nipples, but also a ineffective milk extraction, which can lead to insufficient nutrition of the baby and problems such as insufficient weight gain.

Childbirth trauma and its consequences

The birth process can be traumatic for both the mother and the baby.

During birth, the baby may experience compressions and tractions affecting the skull and cervical spine. The most common traumas include:

Childbirth with forceps

Forceps are instruments used to help guide a baby's head during delivery. While they may be necessary in certain cases, their use can cause:

  • Cranial compression: Forceps can put pressure on the baby's skull, which can lead to temporary or permanent deformations and affect nerves and muscles related to breastfeeding.
  • Cervical injuries: Excessive traction can cause tension in the cervical vertebrae.

Birth with a suction cup

The suction cup is a suction device used to assist in delivery. Your application may result in:

  • Hematomas on the scalp: These can be painful and affect a baby's comfort while breastfeeding.
  • Skull tension: Suction can create uneven pressure in the skull, affecting neuromuscular function.

Caesarean section

Cesarean delivery involves the surgical removal of the baby from the mother's uterus. While it may be essential for the safety of mother and baby, it can involve:

  • Lack of natural compression: Babies born by C-section do not pass through the birth canal, which can prevent natural compression of the skull and affect cranial and cervical alignment.
  • Surgical interventions: Manipulation during a C-section can cause tension in the baby's head and neck.

Induced labor

Labor induction involves the use of medications or techniques to initiate labor. It can have consequences such as:

  • Intense and fast contractions: They can cause additional stress on the baby, leading to tension in the head and neck.
  • Additional interventions: The need for interventions such as forceps or suction may increase due to induced contractions.

Impact of birth tools on cranial health

The use of tools such as forceps, epidural, suction and caesarean section can impact cranial health, with effects that include migraines, oral breathing, scoliosis, bruxism and chronic orthodontics.

We invite you to discover why chiropractic care for babies is the key to healthy development.



Tensions during childbirth can contribute to triggering migraines in adulthood.

Chiropractic addresses misalignments and reduces cranial tensions, which can prevent the onset of migraines throughout a child's life.

Mouth breathing

Cranial problems can affect nasal breathing, leading to the habit of oral breathing, which can have negative consequences for dental and general health.

Specific chiropractic adjustments can promote adequate respiratory function, promoting proper nasal breathing.


Cranial developments can influence spinal alignment. Cranial misalignments can lead to incorrect posture and, eventually, to scoliosis.

Chiropractic can correct these misalignments and support spinal health, preventing scoliosis and other postural problems.


Tensions in the jaw during childbirth can contribute to bruxism, which is the habit of clenching or grinding teeth. This habit can cause long-term pain and dental problems.

Chiropractic adjustments can alleviate jaw tension and prevent bruxism, improving the baby's oral health.

Chronic orthodontics

Early developments can impact dental alignment, leading to the need for prolonged orthodontic treatments.

Chiropractic can contribute to healthy facial growth and reduce the need for chronic orthodontics, ensuring that the teeth and jaw develop properly from the start.


Chiropractic and Breastfeeding

Chiropractic focuses on proper alignment of the spine and skull, promoting optimal functioning of the nervous system.

For babies with breastfeeding difficulties, gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments can:

  • Correct subluxations: Helping to restore proper alignment of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Relieve cranial tension: Improving the shape and function of the skull.
  • Optimize neuromuscular function: Facilitating the correct position and movements of the tongue and jaw.

Chiropractors who specialize in pediatrics use gentle and safe techniques adapted to the delicate anatomy of babies.

These adjustments can make a significant difference in a baby's ability to breastfeed effectively, improving the experience for both the baby and the mother.

In short

Breastfeeding is a crucial part of child development and any difficulty in this process can be distressing for mothers and babies.

Chiropractic offers a natural, non-invasive solution to address problems that may interfere with breastfeeding, such as the wrong position of the tongue, birth trauma, and cervical and cranial disorders.

In addition, The benefits of chiropractic may extend beyond breastfeeding, helping to prevent long-term problems such as migraines, oral breathing, scoliosis, bruxism and the need for chronic orthodontics, ensuring healthy development for your baby.

If you're struggling with breastfeeding, consider Consult us as a chiropractic center specializing in pediatrics for evaluation and possible adjustments that can significantly improve the breastfeeding experience.

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